Upholstered Dog Beds
Custom beds for each of my dogs

Cheap and easy to build dog beds. They have a modern/contemporary look. Can be built to match any existing furniture textures and colors.
Parts List
- Scrap hardwood for legs
- Few sheets of chip board (sold as shelves)
- Some thin batting
- Fabric/Linen Curtains
- Black Paint
- Iron Angles
To make the process easier I upholstered each piece first, then used the iron angle to attach them all together. Use clamps to keep everything at 90 degrees. To stiffen the frame I attached a solid sheet of 1/4 MDF to the base. This will prevent the mattress from sagging and add most of the structural support.
Build Video
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>